We Are...
A Place of Caring
Leamersville congregation, a place where you are one of the
family. We're a place to make friends and find answers to
life's deepest questions.

A Place of Sharing
We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ who are
continuing to learn what it means to "become new creations".
As we share our spiritual blessings, as well as our material
blessings, we experience the unity and love of God.

A Place of Learning
We were made to have a vital relationship with God. This
begins when we understand the message of God's grace, love
and hope. Our mission purpose is to make the message known
in a relevant manner, and to live it in our everyday lives.
We invite you to begin that journey with us today.

If you would like to join us please bring the kids we have
a Staffed Nursery for your convenience.

Our Church's History Coming Soon!